A Három Holló Kávéházban finom kávéval, italokkal, ételekkel és nagyszerű kulturális, irodalmi és zenei programokkal várunk. Családias hangulat, jó szórakozás három szinten.

Piarista alley 1. (entrance at Szabadsajtó street)


Visegrad Cafe – Programs

In our project Café Visegrad, we would like to reflect upon the common heritage and current tendencies of coffeehouse culture in the Visegrad region. Coffeehouses were, at the beginning of the 20th century in Central Europe, a home for intellectual circles and often provided the necessary background for the emergence of new literary trends.

Partners: Kafe Scherz, Bratislava // Cafe Tungsram, Brno // Café Neustadt, Prague // Massolit Books & Café, Krakow and Budapest

Skeletons in the closet” literary debate on  June 25, 2021, at Kafé Scherz, Bratislava

Interferences between the Visegrad literatures on September 10, 2020, at Kafé Scherz, Bratislava

A literary debate between poets, writers, translators and literary experts from the Visegrad countries

Participants were the Slovak poet Karol Chmel, who has translated prominent Polish authors as Zbigniew Herbert, Czesław Miłosz, Tadeusz Różewicz and Witold Gombrowicz. Aleksander Kaczorowski, a Polish Bohemist, who has translated works and wrote monographies about Hrabal and Havel, he is editorin chief of the Aspen Review Central Europe. Katarina Kucbelová, a Slovak poet who wrote her thesis about the Czech poetry and translated poems from Czech, Polish and Hungarian fellow authors in the framework of a project „Visegrad Poetesse“. Zoltán Szalay, is a Hungarian author living in Slovakia and contributing to the Slovak newspaper Denník N. Judit Görözdi, is a literary historian, who has recently published a book in Slovak about contemporary Hungarian historical novels. Moderator of the event was Eva Andrejčaková, a journalist, who is translating Hungarian authors as VirágErdős, Dániel Varró, Pál Závada into Slovak.

Radka Denemarková (Prague), Silvester Lavrík (Bratislava) and Pál Závada (Budapest) discussed about the dealing with the past in contemporary literature of the Visegrad countries. Moderated by Patrik Oriesek (Kraków/ Bratislava). The discussion took place on the eve of the BRaK – Bratislavský knižný festival.

A public discussion on July 26 2021 in the framework of the BRaK – Bratislavský knižný festival between Sylvester Lavrík and Pál Závada about their Slovak-Hungarian historical novels taking place during World War II, before and after.

A round table on the history of Central Europe in literature. With Sylvia Richterová (CZ/IT), Viktor Horvath (HU) and Silvestre Lavrík (SK). The discussion was hold in Czech, and moderated by Aleksander Kaczorowksi (PL/CZ). On Friday 16th July from 17.00 at the Husa na provázku Theatre (Zelný trh 9, Brno).

Visegrad Lounge at the Három Holló – July 30, 2021
Readings and discussion with former and recent Visegrad Literary Resident Writers:
Pavol Rankov, Dora Kaprálová, László Garaczi with the help of Tünde Mészáros, Szilvia Szarka and Ildikó Noémi Nagy

Noémi Petneki in discussion with her recent fellow Visegrad residents Maciej Topolski and Vojtěch Němec

Visegrad literary lounge – reading and discussion on 24. August, 2021, at Cafe Neustadt, Prague

As part of the Café Visegrad project, Hungarian prose writer and blogger Judit Szaniszló, Polish author and playwright Lidia Amejko, Czech writer and literary critic Dora Kaprálová and Slovak author and publicist Zuska Kepplová will read from their works. The reading is followed by a discussion in Czech, led by the project organizer Szilvia Szarka.

In cooperation with the  Hungarian Institute in Prague

Collaborating partner: Hungarian Institute in Prague

Visegrad Literary Lounge during the Book Week in Budapest at the Harom Hollo Café on September 3, 2021.

Readings and discussions with Irena Dousková (CZ), Katarina Kucbelová (SK), Marcin Wicha (PL) and Gábor Németh (HU)

In the framework of a project Café Visegrad supported by the International Visegrad Fund aiming at the revival of the tradition of literary cafés in our region.

In cooperation with the publishing houses Kalligram and Typotex and the Slovak, the Polish and the Czech Cultural Instituts.

A Central European writer and his reception in the Visegrad region – Három Holló Café on September 18, 2021

Judit Görözdi in conversation with the Slovak writer Veronika Sikulová. Her essay was translated and read by Tünde Mészáros.
Judit Görözdi and Renáta Deák reported on last week’s Esterházy conference and seminar on literary translation in Bratislava.
In cooperation with the Slovak Institute, Budapest

Treasure hunters.
Recovering the treasures of a sunken Central European Atlantis. October 2, 2021, at Massolit Books and Café, Budapest

Conversation with Wojciech Ornat about the latest books and writing books from his the Krakow-based publishing house Austeria
and about the possibilities to disseminate Visegrad literature inside and outside of this region in English and German translation.
Exchange of ideas and experiences with the editor and publisher of the Drei Raben literary journal Wilhelm Droste and the head of the German Arco Verlag Christoph Haacker.

The event will be in German, Polish and Hungarian, Moderated by Eva Karadi
In cooperation with the Felczak Foundation.

Crossovers between Hungarian and Slovak literature readings and discussions in Slovak, Hungarian and German on October 3, 2021 in Párkány/ Sturovo, Slovakia
Virág Erdős and her Slovak translator Eva Andrejčáková
Jana Beňová and her Hungarian translator Tünde Mészáros.
discussion moderated by Edit Király and Szarka Szilvia
with the participation of Wilhelm Droste

In cooperation with the Aquaphone Festival.

Visegrad Lounge in Kraków at the Villa Decius on Friday 4 pm October 8, 2021
Confronting reality in the works of contemporary Visegrad writers

Conversation between Radka Denemarková (CZ) , Katarína Kucbelová (SK), Edina Szvoren (HU) and Magdalena Grzebałkowska (PL)
moderated by Sarolta Deczki Visegrad literary resident literary critic in Kraków in cooperation with Villa Decius

Visegrad Lounge: Readings by Katarína Kucbelová (SK), Edina Szvoren (HU) and Magdalena Grzebałkowska (PL) moderated by Agnieszka Wolny Hamkalo in the framework of the Café Visegrad project in cooperation with Massolit Books and Café, Kraków